What is Social/Emotional Learning?

SEL programs claim to improve student success by teaching students to manage their emotions, attitudes and behavior.


  • There are no measurable standards of achievement in SEL.

  • SEL programs are expensive.

  • SEL programs take significant amounts of classroom time away from academics.

  • Students are asked to submit private and personal information into a database.

  • A computerized analysis of a student’s mental health is produced and used as an observational tool by staff.

  • Student data is often stored and used in methods that violate FERPA privacy laws.

  • State law, requiring written permission from parents to collect personal student data, is often ignored.

  • Since school staff are mandatory reporters, parents risk false accusations of child abuse.

  • Little evidence exists to support the claim that SEL programs help students with academics.

  • It is primarily the job of parents to teach concepts such as empathy, self-control or social awareness.

  • SEL programs teach children to manage their behavior according to principles of collectivism.

  • SEL programs typically embrace critical race theory.

is sel being taught in palos verdes schools?

The following curriculums and programs are currently used in Palos Verdes schools:

Sample of Collectivism taught from a We Thinkers! storybook (grades K-2)