Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the plan developed by the Department of Education and the CDC for schools to implement a program for the overall social wellness of children and tailor public education by addressing the needs of the “whole child”.

The Center of Disease Control says the education, public health, and school health sectors have each called for greater alignment that includes, integration and collaboration between education leaders and health sectors to improve each child’s cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development.

Prior to 2016, there were a defined set of standards used by teachers to observe a child’s well-being. But with the passing of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in 2015, those standards became broad and subjective. The federal government now expects teachers to act as amateur social workers in their students’ lives.

U.S. Department of Education will work with states and districts to begin implementing the new law.

What are the problematic issues with the broad implementation of SEL?

  • There are NO measurable metrics for the standards of achievement in SEL.

  • SEL Programs expensive.

  • SEL Program take significant time away from the classroom instruction.

  • School employees are mandatory CPS reporters, and parents risk false accusations of child abuse.

  • Student data is stored and used in ways that could violate FERPA Privacy Laws.

  • SEL Programs are founded on Critical Race Theory and Collectivism.

Take a look at this short video explaining Social-Emotional Learning in K-12 Education

Meghan Moore