About ten years ago, the Palos Verdes School District made a major change in Math curriculum. Was this change beneficial to students? At the time of the change, many people questioned the need, since Palos Verdes was a high performing district already.

The Results Are In

The results are now observable. Unfortunately, under the current math course sequence significantly fewer students are achieving advanced levels of math. During the years prior to 2015, over 400 eighth grade students typically enrolled in Algebra 1.

Last year only 120 students were prepared for Algebra in 8th grade.

Eighth Grade Students Enrolled in Algebra 1

Provided to EdFirstPV through a Public Records Act request. Click here to view the raw data.

Why does 8th grade Algebra matter?

If a student does not complete Algebra in the 8th grade, then it is not possible to complete calculus in high school. While this may not be a goal for every student, it is alarming that in a high performing district like Palos Verdes, student achievement is falling so rapidly. The most likely explanation is that the shift to common-core math curriculum has created roadblocks to student success. Perhaps it is time to reconsider that choice.

Education First