Are Palos Verdes graduates prepared for college level academics? According to the reputation of PVPUSD schools, the answer would hopefully be an unquestionable, “YES!” However, the district has reported some unexpected low results in the recently published Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). (See page 35)

Every year California students take a standard exam called the CAASPP Test. Based on these test scores, students in 11th grade are rated for college readiness in English and Mathematics. This rating is called the Early Assessment Program (EAP). California Universities utilize the EAP score as an indicator of a student’s readiness for college-level coursework.

These are the district wide EAP scores from 2018-19.

32% ready for college level coursework in Mathematics

57% ready for college level coursework in English

California universities no longer require the SAT test for admissions, so the EAP scores are increasingly more important for college bound students. In a district like PVPUSD with high caliber teachers and resources, we should expect the majority of our students to be unquestionably prepared for college.

  • What is the reason for these low performance scores?

  • Has the district made any attempts to understand or solve this problem?

Education First