Many parents may not be aware, but California lawmakers have provided for specific parental rights in the public schools. It is important for parents to be aware of their legal rights within the school system. The Education Code is lengthy, but it is written in plain English and many chapters include an introduction explaining the purpose of a particular set of laws. We can read the purpose of parental rights laws here. Sometimes teachers and school staff are unaware of certain laws, and they may inadvertently put illegal limits on parental involvement. Also, by knowing the law, parents may find new ways to become active in their local schools.

These are the rights guaranteed to parents in the state of California:

  • Classroom observation and access to curriculum EDC 51101

  • Volunteering in the classroom EDC 51101

  • Ensuring safe school environments EDC 51101

  • Participation in the selection of new curriculum EDC 60002

  • Access to students’ records, academic progress and test results EDC 51101

  • Parental permission is required for psychological evaluations and some Social/Emotional Learning activities. EDC 49091.12 and EDC 51513

  • Participation in councils and committees EDC 51101

  • Participation in developing the school’s Local Accountability Plan EDC 52063

Several of these will be explored in future posts

Education First