Many schools across the nation have been adding Social/Emotional Learning (SEL) programs to the course of study, and Palos Verdes is no exception.  Our schools have introduced curriculum from Second Step, Social Thinking, Illuminate Education, and Panorama.

Some of the material covered in Ethnic Studies could also fall into the SEL category. The activities in these curriculums require students to engage in self-examination and share their personal feelings, values or beliefs with teachers or school staff.

It is important to be aware of the legal rights of parents when it comes to SEL programs.  California law is very clear on this matter: 

  • Public schools must obtain written permission from parents before evaluating a student’s mental health or before asking students about their personal beliefs, sexual practices, family life, morality or religion. California EDC 51513 and EDC 49091.12

Apparently, not all teachers and staff are aware of this requirement of the law. During the fall of 2021, students were surveyed about their personal beliefs on the Panorama platform, without first obtaining written permission of parents.   

What can we do about this problem?

  • Ask teachers what SEL programs are being used in your child’s class.

  • Find out about the activities in which your child will be asked to participate.

  • Make sure the teacher is aware that some activities require written consent from parents.  


Education First