PVPRWF hosted PVPUSD School Board Candidates Jeremy Vanderhal and Alexandria Blumer at the PV Golf Club on Sept 24, 2024 to inform voters on their positions and the importance of their vote

Vote for 2 positions on Nov 5, 2024

00:02:00 Opening Statements

00:09:26 If Bond Measure SOS does not pass, what are alternative options?

00:15:33 How could we finance the repairs that the schools need?

00:22:18 Which schools need the most repairs?

00:26:51 How would you protect or change how we control funding locally for various projects?

00:31:30 Julie Hamill's words of advice

00:39:14 What was a specific event that inspired you to run for PVPUSD School Board?


All 4 Candidates were invited by EdFirstPV, however Ami Ghandi and Eric Alegria declined to attend and gave their opening statements.

Candidates: Jeremy Vanderhal, Alexandria Blumer, Eric Alegria (Not Present), Ami Ghandi (Not Present)

Vote for 2 positions on Nov 5

Filmed at the PV Library, Sept 19, 2024


00:00:57 Opening Statements

00:08:29 What are things you would like to change about the PVPUSD board?

00:12:47 Can you verify that you did not take any funds from "stakeholders?"

00:13:43 Would you accept donations in the future from outside of the community?

00:15:01 How do you view the reputation of PVPUSD, and how would you change it?

00:19:05 What is the current state of funding for music and art, and how would you change it?

00:20:59 What is the current state of funding for music and art, and how would you change it?

00:25:46 How will you win back the trust from the community after its management of the Covid era?

00:28:04 How would you handle discrepancies in policies between county and local issues?

00:29:48 If Measure SOS PASSES, how will you ensure funds are spent properly?

00:31:39 If Measure SOS FAILS, how will you address the deferred maintenance burden?

00:39:39 If you were to receive a sizable grant, how would you spend it?

00:41:12 How would you change funding priorities in PVPUSD?

00:43:20 Should "workforce housing" be built on school properties?

00:47:47 Where do you stand on local control vs state mandates and how would you combat "state creep"?

00:49:58 Are you aware of any conflicts of interest between pvpusd and outside entities (vendors, consultants, etc)?

00:53:24 How should AI use be addressed by PVPUSD?

00:55:29 How can PVPUSD improve its responsiveness to the community?

00:58:40 How would you have handled the "PV High yearbook fiasco" differently?

01:02:54 Where do you stand on sex education being taught outside of its official curriculum?

01:06:44 What is the current district policy on date-mining from surveys given in schools?

01:09:23 Should there by parent permission slips for all clubs in schools?

01:11:19 How can the district improve e-communications with the community?

01:14:51 Closing Statements



2024 PVPUSD Candidates: Alexandria Blumer, Eric Alegria,Jeremy Vanderhal, and Ami Ghandi

Vote for 2 Candidates on Nov 5th


00:00:11 Opening Statements

00:06:15 Please share a moment where you've worked in a collaborative manner within our community

00:10:17 How much funding have you received from individuals or groups outside of the PVPUSD boundaries? Who are they?

00:11:30 How are facilities improvements funded? what can or cannot be used for facilities?

00:15:23 What does "inclusion" mean to you?

00:17:20 What are your thoughts on book censorship?

00:20:12 Are you for against the ethnic studies curriculum and why?

00:23:46 Should PVPUSD students have fully licensed mental health counselors?

00:27:54 Are you for or against AB 1955 (school does not have to inform parents if the child tells faculty that they identify as another gender)?

00:32:41 What is the role of schools in supporting LGBTQ youth?

00:34:48 Do you support Measure SOS? Why or Why not? Can the funds be diverted for something other than rebuilding?

00:40:54 As a parent in the district, what specific problem do you aim to fix?

00:45:04 How do you see the role of Rancho del Mar in our district? Benefits vs Drawbacks?

00:47:01 What would be the 1st thing you would want to get done if elected?

00:51:49 Are there any funds in reserve for bullding maintenance?

00:55:24 What percentage of the PVPUSD budget is for special education?

00:57:22 How will you protect LGBTQ children at school from bullying?

01:01:02 How will you improve security for our students?

01:05:19 Give specific examples of appropriate parental involvement in school?

01:09:53 What is your plan for infrastructure should the bond NOT pass?

01:14:31 What is your opinion on the use of testing and data in elementary schools?

01:18:21 Why is there a focus on anti-semitism and an exclusion of other forms of prejudice?

01:23:00 How would you engage teachers and staff as a board member?

01:26:52 How do you feel that the Measure SOS bond could be sold to 55% of the voters?

01:31:58 Are you for or against children being informed about their curriculum?

01:33:29 Closing Statements