California Laws on Public Education

The California Education Code is lengthy, but it is written in plain English and many chapters include an introduction explaining the purpose of a particular set of laws. Compliled here are a few laws that may be of interest to families navigating through the public school system.

  • Parental consent must be obtained before counseling or any mental health services can be provided to a minor. FAM 6924

  • Students may not be questioned about their personal beliefs, morality, religion, sex or family life without express written permission from parents. EDC 51513

  • A student may not be compelled to affirm or disavow any particular world view, religious doctrine, or political opinion. EDC 49091.12

  • Teachers must compile and store all educational materials to be used in a class, and make them available to parents upon request. EDC 49091.10

  • Parents have the ultimate responsibility for imparting values regarding human sexuality to their children. EDC 51937

  • Parents must be must be notified and given access to Comprehensive Sexual Education curriculum at least two weeks before it is presented to students. EDC 51937

  • Parents may excuse their children (opt-out) from all or part of Comprehensive Sexual Education. EDC 51937

  • All students have a right to participate fully in the educational process. EDC 201

  • Each teacher shall endeavor to impress upon the minds of students the principles of morality, truth, justice, patriotism, and a true comprehension of the rights, duties, and dignity of American citizenship. EDC 233.5

  • Teachers must instruct students to avoid idleness, profanity and falsehood. EDC 233.5

  • Teachers must instruct students in the principles of a free government. EDC 233.5

  • Each teacher should create and foster an environment that encourages students to realize their full potential. EDC 233.5

  • The school day must begin with the Pledge of Allegiance or an equivalent patriotic exercise. EDC 52720

  • It is prohibited to teach a positive view of Communism or Marxist principles in public schools. EDC 51530

  • References to religion may be included in public education. EDC 51511

  • Parents have the right to observe the classroom and review all curriculum. EDC 51101

  • Parents have the right to volunteer in the classroom. EDC 51101

  • School environments must be safe. EDC 51101

  • Parents have the right to participation in the selection of new curriculum. EDC 60002

  • Parents have access to students’ records, academic progress and test results. EDC 51101

  • Parental permission is required for psychological evaluations and some Social/Emotional Learning activities. EDC 49091.12 and EDC 51513

  • Parents have the right to participate in school district councils and committees. EDC 51101

  • Parents may participate in developing the school’s Local Accountability Plan. EDC 52063

  • Parents cannot be subject to any evaluation or monitoring of the quality or character of a student’s home life. EDC 49091.18

    Parents may not be tested or screened for any reason. EDC 49091.18

    Schools cannot require a non-academic home-based counseling program. EDC 49091.18

    Schools cannot require any type of parent training. EDC 49091.18

    Schools cannot require participation in any family education service plan. EDC 49091.18