What does it mean to oppose Critical race theory?
If you agree with the following list of statements, you are probably opposed to the principles of CRT.
In education there should be measurable academic standards in each course of study.
Teachers have the responsibility to educate students by helping them to understand the information necessary to meet measurable academic standards. Students who have challenges in meeting the established measurable standards should be provided with the opportunity to seek extra help. Students who meet the measurable standards should have the opportunity to take advanced courses and excel beyond the minimum standards.
Specific personality traits, academic strengths, athletic abilities and other aspects of humanity are found in people of all races.
Hard work, punctuality, self-reliance and politeness are positive principles that can benefit anyone.
People of all races have achieved success in America.
People of all races commit crimes in America, and the law should apply to everyone equally.
Individual acts of racism are unacceptable and should be addressed.
Civil liberties, individual rights and free enterprise are important fundamentals of American society.